Love Magnet Program Bonus Products

Here’s how to download your products on this page:

  • If you scroll down, you can access the individual files by clicking on the red button.
  • Once you see the individual files, you can click on the symbol with the "three dots" that appears after each file.
  • Once you clicked on the symbol with the "three dots" you can select the "download" option to download the file on your laptop, PC, iPad, Smartphone or whatever device you are using. 

Here you can access the Self- Love Audio Course & Love Meditations (Click on the button to access the audio files): 

Here you can access the Fall in Love Hypnosis Package (Click on the button to access the audio files): 

Here you can access the Trauma Transformation Audio Course & Let Go of Your Trauma Hypnosis (Click on the button to access the audio files): 

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