How His Secret Obsession Has Changed the Lives of These 7 Women (Case Studies Inside)
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I’ll earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience while testing and reviewing this product.
Are you a single woman and you are sick and tired of attracting immature men who keep telling you that they are “not ready to settle down”?
You had enough dates with losers who are just wasting your time!
Or are you a woman in a relationship and you have the feeling that he just doesn’t care anymore…that he pulls away…and might even be cheating on you?
He tortured you with this painful feeling of uncertainty for way too long!

I found the key…
They key to making any man, no matter if he’s your husband, your boyfriend, or your handsome colleague you have a crush on OBSESSED with you.
Are you shocked?
Are you skeptical?
I was shocked when I held this key in my hands. And I was skeptical. In fact, I refused to believe it.
Then one Skype call changed everything.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I have coached more than 100 amazing, beautiful and successful women in Skype coaching sessions…women just like you. And I had NEVER heard of the Hero Instinct.
You know…
I get on average three emails every week from dating coaches, life coaches, and dating companies that want me to advertise their products. That’s 12 products a week and 144 products a year.
I decline most of the time immediately…I trust my gut feeling.
From the 32 products I tested, I can recommend 5.
This one is the best…
And it all started with an innocent email from one of my divorced Skype coaching clients. I hadn’t spoken to her in several weeks.
I had coached her after her divorce. Her husband was an abusive narcissist who made sure that she received absolutely nothing…but thank God she won the custody battle and has now full custody of her son.
Please respect the fact that I won’t mention her name for privacy reasons.
Anyway, here’s the email she sent me:
Hey Sebastian,
I want to thank you again for helping me to get through this. It was a tough time and I don’t know what I would have done without you help.
Remember how I told you that I’m ready to date again?
Guess what! I met the man of my dreams.
There’s something I have to tell you about. Do you have time for a quick Skype Call? Only 5 minutes!

I just had to reply to her email...
Our 5-minute conversation turned into a 60-minute conversation.
She told me about how she made her new boyfriend, a very successful lawyer, to be so obsessed with her that he proposed to her after only two months of dating but to also be a loving stepdad to her son.
Well, I guess now we have to call him her fiancé.
How did she do it?
She told me that she used a certain technique from a course called His Secret Obsession that was written by James Bauer, a dating coach and relationship expert.

My first thought:
“Oh no! Not another useless dating product for women!”
Product Quality
Value for Money
With His Secret Obsession you receive a 4-hour audio course that is packed with scientifically proven advice and psychological techniques that will help you to make the man you want obsessed with you. You receive 4 FREE bonus products and the value you receive for the small investment of $47 is incredible. No matter how old you are and no matter if you are single or in a relationship, I recommend His Secret Obsession to any woman who wants to feel like and get treated like a Queen in her relationship by making him feel like a hero. This program makes it so easy and effortless.
I Was More Than Sceptical About His Secret Obsession
I don’t like overhyped sales presentations. I just don’t.
“Make any man obsessed with you by activating his hero instinct?”

I was more than skeptical when she told me about how much this product changed her life. Or maybe it was my ego that refused to accept that James Bauer, and not I, had conducted this groundbreaking research and had created this phenomenal dating & relationship course for women.
And even thought my ego was raging, I couldn’t wait to test it, now that I knew what a profound impact it had on a divorced single mom who is now happily engaged.
I decided to invest the $47 in the program.

And I was surprised at how many bonuses James gives away for free…but more on that in a bit.

While I was downloading the main course and the bonuses, thousands of questions were running through my mind:
I already knew that it (obviously) worked for a divorced single mom in her 40s.
Now I had to find out if it also works for women in other situations.
That’s why I decided to conduct an experiment:
- 1I asked some of my previous clients if they were willing to invest in His Secret Obsession.I asked them if they would test the techniques and strategies that are shared in the program.
- 3I asked them if they could provide me with feedback.
73 emails, 41 responses and 7 case studies later I have the answers I was looking for.
But before I share these case studies…
Allow me to show you why His Secret Obsession is different than any other dating for women you and I have ever come across.
The One Thing That Makes His Secret Obsession Different From Other Dating Products
His Secret Obsession is the only dating product for women that…
This is all true.
But there’s one thing that fascinated me the most.
Listening to the 4-hour audio version was like looking in the mirror for me.
I just have to admit the truth.
Everything James Bauer says in this program is the truth.
I react to these triggers and your man will react to the same triggers. Every man does.
Why His Secret Obsession Might NOT Be For You
I’m a raving fan of His Secret Obsession.
But I have to be honest:
It might not be the right product for you.
There are two requirements that you have to fulfill in order to make this work.
Requirement #1: You are NOT hateful towards men, just because your ex-boyfriend might have cheated on you or disappointed you in another way.
Requirement #2: You are NOT looking for a quick way to manipulate a man that might work in the short-term but that will backfire in the long-term.
Unless you fulfill these two requirements, I don’t want you to invest in His Secret Obsession.
Here’s why:
What makes His Secret Obsession so highly effective, is that you tap into a man’s Hero Instinct, which is his desire for meaning, respect and his ability to provide.
This is a process that requires love towards your man.
Only continue reading if you are willing to give him the love that he needs to be your hero.
Only CLICK HERE and invest in His Secret Obsession if you want him to be your hero...
Case Studies: His Secret Obsession Has Changed the Life of These 7 Women
It took me months of research to get these case studies:
But first, a short disclaimer...
Case Stuy Disclaimer: I received written permission to use these case studies in this review and for privacy reasons I changed names and don’t mention other personal details, such as family status, field of study and occupation, and address. Each case study that is shared in this review was sent to the woman who shared her experience with me for approval before publishing this review. In case one of the women who allowed me to share their experience with the reviewed product wants me to no longer publicly display her experience, she shall contact me via sebastian@ and I will delete the case study.
Here’s what happened in the lives of these 7 women...
Case Study #1: A Divorced Single Mother in her 40s Who Couldn’t Find a Man Who Accepted Her and Her Child
You’ve already heard about this incredible woman.
She’s the one who introduced me to His Secret Obsession.
And even though the audio version of the course is 4 hours long and the PDF version has 217 pages, there was ONE technique that made all the difference for her.
There was a point when her boyfriend (now her fiancé) wasn’t sure if he really wanted to take the responsibility of being a step dad.

She then used the “I Owe You” Signal you’ll discover on page 168, 169 and 170 in Module 16 of His Secret Obsession.

Well, what can I say?
Now he’s her fiancé and a wonderful step dad to her son.
Case Study #2: A Successful Career Woman in Her 30s Who Couldn’t Find an Equally Successful Partner
I still remember my first coaching call with Lauren.
She had the following beliefs about herself:

After two Skype Coaching session with me, she had overcome her limiting beliefs and was ready to date again.
She even dated a man for a couple of months. But then it ended.
With the next guy she made one change:
On their very first date, she activated his imagination with the “Glimpse Phrase”. She basically turned herself into a pleasure forecaster he wasn’t able to resist.

They are together ever since.
P.S. You’ll find out how to use the “Glimpse Phrase” on page 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, and 164 in Module 14 of His Secret Obsession.
Case Study #3: A Woman in Her 20s Who Was Always Falling for the Wrong Men
Julia was always attracting the WRONG men.
I had four Skype Coaching Sessions with Julia and I don’t exaggerate when I say that I saved her life. Actually, she told me that I did.

Not anymore.
Overcoming her trauma in our Skype Coaching sessions allowed her to attract the RIGHT men.
Now she was seeing the light in her life.
As a result, she was excited to make her current boyfriend see the light by following the strategy you’ll discover on pages 35-45 in Module 3 of His Secret Obsession.

They are enjoying a healthy, supportive and just wonderful relationship.
Case Study #4: A Married Woman in Her 40s Who Was Scared That She Would Lose Her Husband
Oh, I totally forgot to mention that.
Besides the 4-hour His Secret Obsession audio course (217 pages in the PDF version), you also get the opportunity to invest in the 3-hour Endless Honeymoon audio course (87 pages in the PDF Version), which I highly recommend.
But you only have this opportunity if you...
Click here and decide to invest in His Secret Obsession TODAY

That’s the product that Samantha, a married woman in her 40s, used to reignite the fire in her marriage. She told me that turning her relationship into an endless honeymoon was exactly what she needed.
These were the problems she was facing:

Here’s what she did to save her marriage:
She combined two techniques.
1. The Contrast Principle (page 32-34)
2. The “Transform Reality by Acknowledging the Power of Words” Strategy (page 58)
The result:
That’s what happens when you create an endless honeymoon…
Case Study #5: A Woman in Her Late 40s Who Started Dating a Man Who Pulled Away
“Why does he pull away? Why?”
That’s the question Margaret asked herself.
She started dating a man who ticked all the boxes.
So why did he pull away?

I want to be 100% honest. I don’t know. Apparently, he’s very emotionally unavailable. But it also doesn’t matter because he’s no longer pulling away. In fact, they are in a happy relationship and she’s happier than in all her previous relationships.
How is this possible?

She used the Private Island Signal that you’ll discover on page 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, and 151 (I know, these are a lot of pages, but this is an advanced technique and HIGHLY effective.
Case Study #6: A Divorced Woman in her 50s Who Didn’t Believe She Would Find Love Again
Kathrin woke up with one thought every day:
“I’m too old to find love!”

I coached quite a few divorced women who had this belief. It took us only two Skype coaching sessions to turn this limiting belief into…
“I’m ready for love and I will find the right man!”
Kathrin is one of the women who was still having regular Skype sessions with me while she received my “His Secret Obsession Case Study” email from me. She was really excited to use some of the techniques in the course.
She ended up NOT using a technique. Instead, she read and reread Module 9: How to become His Secret Obsession (pages 106-123) over and over again.

Well, it worked.
The next man she went on a date with (8 years younger than her) became obsessed with her. Now they are dating in a casual and free-spirited way…that’s at least how she described it to me.
I’m happy for her.
Case Study #7: A Woman in Her Late 30s Who Was Single For 5 Years Because of Her Anxiety Issues
Nadine had suffered from anxiety her whole life.

She actually rescheduled her first coaching session with me twice because she was too nervous. We’re still joking about that because her anxiety has gotten way better and she’s much more confident in social situation…and when interacting with men.
Four Skype coaching session were enough for this transformation.
There was just one problem left:
Her social anxiety stopped her from dating in her 20s. She had almost no relationship experience. And I didn’t want her to end up in a relationship with the wrong man.
That’s why I recommended two modules of His Secret Obsession to her:
1. Module 7 in which you discover the secret currency of happy relationships (pages 83-98).
2. Module 15 in which you discover how to use the “Currency” signal (pages 164-168).

She’s now in a relationship with a caring and loving man who means the world to her. I’m so proud of her transformation.
What You’ll Get with His Secret Obsession
What if you decide to give it a try?
Well, then you can.
Watch this video and sit back and relax while you discover more about His Secret Obsession.
Read this page to find out more about how His Secret Obsession will help you.
But of course, you want to know what’s inside.
Oh boy, you get so much.
I don’t want to sound like a screaming fangirl, but it’s absolutely insane. I’ve never and I really mean NEVER bought and tested such a detailed product.
Here’s a quick overview before I discuss the individual products in detail:
I warned you. You get a lot.
Now let’s have a look at the His Secret Obsession course (the main product) in detail, before I show you what’s inside the bonus products…and you get A LOT of free bonuses.
1. His Secret Obsession: Audiobook & eBook Version
This is the main program.
And with the 4-hour audio course and the 217-page PDF version, it’s already one of the most comprehensive dating programs I’ve ever come across.

Now let’s have a look at the three parts of His Secret Obsession in detail…
His Secret Obsession Part 1: How the Hero Instinct Works
The first part provides you with the necessary theory and the scientific background that you need to know if you want to successfully activate your man’s hero instinct.

You’ll discover…
And so much more…
His Secret Obsession Part 2: How to Use the Signals
Now that you know how men act, think, and feel. And now that you know the science behind activating his Hero Instinct. Now you’re ready for the specific techniques.

In part two of the main course, you’ll discover:
James goes really deep into each and every technique.
Text Message Formulas
Text message formula is a bonus part of the main course.
And it’s all about…you guessed it…how to text a man in a way that makes him desire you.

Here you’ll discover:
- How to text him and how to NOT do it (these mistakes are extremely popular)
- Everything you need to know about Curiosity Phrases & Curiosity Triggers
- By far THE BEST way to text a man.
After listening to this part (or reading this part) he’ll reply to all your texts.
2. His Secret Obsession Workbook
This 15-page workbook is the perfect starter guide.

It shows you…
The workbook includes dozens of word-for-word examples that you can use to give your man the feeling that he is your hero.
3. Optional Addition #1+#2: Endless Honeymoon: Audiobook & eBook Version
When you invest in His Secret Obsession, you have the opportunity to also invest in the Endless Honeymoon audio course.
I invested in it when I tested the program and most of the women whose case studies you just read have invested in it too. Keep in mind: This is completely optional.

In this course you’ll discover how to turn your relationship into one adventurous honeymoon.
The course consists of 6 sections.
Let’s have a look at them…
Endless Honeymoon Section 1: Make Your Wish List
Making a wish list is the first step towards making your man commit to you by triggering honeymoon feelings in him.

In this first section you’ll discover…
It might sound like work…but he’ll love it.
Endless Honeymoon Section 2: How to Get Him Addicted to Making You Happy
This section blew my mind.
I actually showed it to my girlfriend and after she read it…well…our relationship got even better.
I’m happier than I’ve ever been. And so is she.

All because she now…
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg (this section lasts until page 52).
Endless Honeymoon Section 3: The Secrets of the Endless Honeymoon
This section made my girlfriend very emotional.

The secrets that James Bauer shares here are truly powerful because…
Endless Honeymoon Section 4: Merging Honeymoon Mentality with Reality
The most important concepts of this section (at least in my opinion) are…

Not knowing about these 3 core concepts will make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to create this honeymoon experience for you and him.
Endless Honeymoon Section 5: Shortcut Tips and Tricks to Achieve an Endless Honeymoon
Here you’ll discover short cuts to achieve an endless honeymoon.
Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to share them with you here.
That’s why I had to blur them…

If you’ll decide to invest in His Secret Obsession today, you’ll get instant access to more than 15 shortcuts.
Endless Honeymoon Section 6: Making it Work in The Current Phase of Your Relationship
This section proves that creating and enjoying an endless honeymoon with the man of your dreams is possible at any stage of your relationship.

In this last section of the Endless Honeymoon you learn how…
4. Bonus #1: Why Men Shut Women Out eBook
I already revealed so much about the products you’’ receive if you invest in His Secret Obsession today.
In fact, I revealed too much. And because I don’t want to get into trouble with my good friend James, there’s just one thing I want to say about this bonus eBook.

And that’s…
“If you ever wondered why a man pulls away, stops responding to your texts, and doesn’t answer your calls, this eBook provides the answers.”
It’s a MUST read for every woman.
5. Bonus #2: The 3 A’s of Effortless Attraction eBook
This free bonus gives you something powerful.
It provides you with the 3 A’s of Effortless Attraction, which will help you to make the man who now sees himself as your hero EVEN MORE attracted to you.

What are these 3 A’s?
Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to reveal this.
You get access to this incredible program when you invest in His Secret Obsession.
6. Bonus #3: Uncover His Deepest Desires With Easy “Relationship Detective” Methods eBook
What the heck are Relationship Detective Methods?
I asked the same question you are asking yourself right now. And because I don’t want to get into legal trouble, I can only give you a hint.
Let me put it this way:
“The moment you turn yourself into a detective who has the mission to find ways to improve your relationship so drastically that it will be better than ever before, your and his life will change forever.”
7. Bonus #4: 5 Case Studies from Women Who Have Bought His Secret Obsession
These eBooks are between 6-10 pages and contain case studies of women who used His Secret Obsession to either attract a new partner or to re-attract their boyfriend or husband.
You’ll discover:
Please don’t confuse these 5 case studies from James Bauer with the 7 case studies of my amazing coaching clients that I shared with you a few paragraphs above.
More Feedback from My Coaching Clients Who Invested in His Secret Obsession
This section is for you.
In case you invest in His Secret Obsession by using one of the links on this page and you want to share your feedback with me AND with the Get Him Keep Him Family, I can publish your feedback here.
You just have to send your feedback to sebastian@
Please include a short paragraph in which you give me permission to publish your feedback here.
The same disclaimer that is mentioned at the beginning of this His Secret Obsession review is valid and I will not reveal your last name, email address and other personal information you don’t want me to reveal.
Of course, this is completely optional.
I just thought it would be a great idea if even more women shared their experiences with this phenomenal product.
FYI: This section is still empty because I just published this review.
The Cons of His Secret Obsession
Now let’s have a look at the pros and the cons of His Secret Obsession.
I want to be completely honest. Even though I believe that this is THE BEST dating product for women on the market…it’s not perfect.
Here are the cons:
The Pros of His Secret Obsession
Now let’s have a look at the pros of His Secret Obsession:
And I don’t know if that’s a pro but…
I asked my girlfriend to test some of the techniques on me and this happened:
Product Quality
Value for Money
With His Secret Obsession you receive a 4-hour audio course that is packed with scientifically proven advice and psychological techniques that will help you to make the man you want obsessed with you. You receive 4 FREE bonus products and the value you receive for the small investment of $47 is incredible. No matter how old you are and no matter if you are single or in a relationship, I recommend His Secret Obsession to any woman who wants to feel like and get treated like a Queen in her relationship by making him feel like a hero. This program makes it so easy and effortless.
Summary: Why You Should (Or Should Not) Invest in His Secret Obsession
“Sebastian, should I buy this program or not?”
It depends on your answer to the following question:
“Do you want a fulfilling relationship with the man of your dreams who will feel like your hero every day of your shared life?”
If the answer is “yes”…
Click here to watch the presentation video for His Secret Obsession
Click here to read the presentation page for His Secret Obsession
I recommend this product because I believe in it with all my heart.
But you will face one challenge:
Your friends will envy you because they don’t have YOUR relationship.
And they might ask you for advice and for help.
Then it’s up to you if you want to reveal your secrets to them.
Some of the women that were featured in the 7 case studies I shared with you experienced a stronger bond with their friends after helping them with their dating life.
The most fulfilling relationship with the man of your dreams + a stronger bond with your friends?
Yes, that’s the power of the Hero Instinct.
Will you take this chance?
Honestly, it’s up to you.
All I know is that the 7 amazing women who shared their experiences with me and with you don’t regret giving His Secret Obsession an honest try.
You have nothing to lose. You can only win.